Today was the roughest day since my surgery, I bumped my head this week and may have done more damage to soft tissue then I anticipated. I was checked out and everything from the surgery is in the clear. However, I’m writing this tonight because it was overdue.

My family is an absolute blessing and every day I wake up and see my baby son smile, it melts my heart. My girls every morning scream “daddy’s up daddy’s up” and my wife simply smiles and says I love you.

For some this doesn’t get to happen, and I shouldn’t have to explain why.

This surgery was tough, and my first pre-op appointment gave me absolutely no indication that it was going to be anything at this level. Maybe I didn’t listen. The recovery I knew would take long, but being so dependent on everyone including my wife has taken me back.

I needed help, not major but enough to feel worthless at times. Certainly nowhere near losing a limb or severe spinal injuries. So that is my point. I have felt more than ever the strain these warrior’s care takers have taken by seeing the weight on my wife’s shoulder’s as with me she now cares for 4 children. I cannot imagine the struggle nor the strength needed to make it through years of recovery. I’m in 3 weeks, a mere fraction and I simply cannot wrap my mind around what they have been through. This perspective has changed my view and respect on a spiritual level.

These Warriors we serve, they have a much longer struggle then we can ever mentally grasp. Their families go through their own struggles as well. Those mothers, wives, sisters, and girlfriends, are superheroes.  To all of you I know well, know that I will pray every day for your recovery, emotionally and psychologically. To those I don’t know well, 4 Wheel to Heal will be there to help, through Off-road Therapy, because truly I swear that we will honor you through what we know best, Dirt, Rock, and Mud. God bless our Troops, God bless their families, God bless America.

ramosFrom the Head, from the Heart

-Nathan Ramos, Executive Director.